Aurora is a Rhythim-based rogue-like where the main track is procedurally generated. The game was made in one week for the 7DRL Challenge 2023. The game was done by one person [me :) ], and it's mostly a rhythm game with some rogue-like elements, some meta progression focused on a single character, some procedural generation, etc. In the game, you control your character with WASD, W moves you up, S moves you down, D makes a melee attack, and A puts down a mine. Mines are activated by pressing A again. Furthermore, you can hit your mine with a melee attack to send it forward. Here it's a list of some enemies you might encounter:

  • E: a Regular Bandit;
  • Z: a Zombie, is really slow;
  • #: a Brute, similar to a zombie, but stronger;
  • R: an indestructible piece of the environment (rock);
  • B: a Bat that shoots projectiles;
  • F: a Flying Harpy also shoots projectiles and can dodge some attacks;
  • G: a Ghost Armor that is immune to physical attacks;
  • S: a Spell Devour, a swift creature immune to magic damage.

Killing these enemies will reward you with experience. Level-ups are automatic, and they increase the damage of both of your attacks.

I initially overscored the game, so the finished product is not what I was hoping for, but I think it's a fun game, and I will probably keep working on it. I kindly accept any feedback and advices for moving on with this product.

Ty :)

[NOTE: I recommend you play the downloadable version]


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Gameplay video of the game.